Choir Directory


  • Sign in with one of the social buttons or your email address and password.
  • If this is your first time visiting this page, please click “Forgot Account”, enter your email address, and click the email me reset instructions button to reset your password.
  • If this does not result in an email, click the “Register” button to register for a new account.
  • If clicking one of the social buttons does not display the correct account, please email with the email address used for your social account, your name, and any other identifying information (email address, phone number, address) so that we may properly link your social account with your GABC account.

On your profile page, you should see a GROUPS box on the right side of your page. In that box you should see Choir Tribe # & CHOIR (voice part) listed. The CHOIR (voice part) group will open a list of the entire choir

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